Are You Awarding Credit for BASE?
Now that the end of the school year is near, the anticipation of summer break is on the minds of many students and teachers – but not all. A study by Think Impact found that an estimated 3.4 million students were in summer schools in 2020, and in 2017, 41% of high school students enrolled into summer school. Although summer school is often associated with failing grades, a need to catch up or earn extra credits, research shows that summer school packs a substantial academic punch. Around 40% to 50% of multi-year summer school attendees held an advantage of one grade level in post tests.
The study also found that students with high summer school attendance gained a 25% near-term benefit in math and that continued attendance can result in a 20% to 23% annual gain in language arts. With summer school attendance proving itself to be a powerful tool in a student’s academic success, imagine the potential impact of incorporating SEL into your summer curriculum?
We at BASE have made it easy to do just that! Our content is designed with virtual, hybrid and blended learning in mind. And taken with BASEline, our content is personalized to meet the needs of your individual students. Our modules are easily integrated as a supplement to your core curriculum, as social emotional learning skills are implicitly woven into existing standards. For example, students in common core states will aim to “Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions…building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly” (SOURCE). Our modules reinforce and teach the tenants of standards such as these by explicitly teaching the content through modules such as Healthy Communication and by asking students to put the standards into practice through instructor-facilitated classroom discussions. We are looking forward to releasing standards crosswalks this summer that will illustrate which English Language Arts (ELA) standards each module addresses so that you can seamlessly integrate BASE into your ELA classroom.
Our educator guides address all core subjects including science, social studies, ELA, and math through embedded content connections. Our Substance Use and Misuse Modules also correlate with state K-12 health standards and we encourage you to use the modules to award academic credit in health classes. We provide a Credit Rubric that outlines General Education uses for our content and provides an overview of how BASE partners award credits.
Incorporating social emotional learning skills into classroom instruction is a powerful tool and leads to greater growth in both academics and social emotional skills. Our research showed that in 94% of students who used BASE, 28.6% experienced improvement in math scores versus 13.2% in the control group. This summer, you can holistically serve all students in ways that both address unfinished learning and improve their overall well-being.
If you are interested in learning more about BASE and social emotional learning, contact us today!