Improve Educator Happiness and Success – in Work and Life

A Mindset-based Platform
Focused on Staff Well-being

Improve Educator Happiness and Success – in Work and Life 

A Mindset-based Platform Focused on Staff Well-being

Empowering Educators

Empowering Educators

Regain Passion and a Sense of Purpose for Your
Teachers and Staff

School and district leaders are concerned about stress affecting educator and staff health and well-being, retention, and school culture. The shifts in the education landscape over the past several years and on-going staffing challenges continue to impact school communities. Supporting your educators and staff is more critical than ever before.

7 Mindsets Empowering Educators™ platform offers tools and resources school and district staff need to restore well-being and reignite passion and purpose. 

A Comprehensive Platform for
Educator and Staff Success

Flexible and easy to use, Empowering Educatorspowerful modules and tools:

  • Improve emotional health and well-being with self-paced modules 

  • Build relationships and a sense of belonging in facilitated group sessions

  • Access exactly what your team needs via on-demand webinars, video and other resources

Passionate Educators Help Students Achieve More Positive, Lifelong Outcomes

Depending on the individual or group need, interest, or professional learning situations, the Empowering Educators platform offers several courses and course-specific surveys and assessments within its two programs:

Better Together

The facilitated learning opportunities with this program build trust, grow connection and collaboration, and increase the sense of belonging among school and district staff.

Options include:

  • 6 Conversations to Build Relational Trust

  • Huddle Deck Conversation Starters 

  • 7 Mindsets Engagement Strategies 

Better You

The self-paced opportunities in this program provide educators and staff space to learn and explore while also empowering them to focus on their own emotional health and well-being needs.

Courses include:

  • Building Your Core Competencies

  • Authenticity in Education

Click each animation to view full screen.

Maximize the Impact of Your Adult Well-Being Initiative

Empowering Educators is now available with an enhanced self-assessment and reflection component to guide and inform. These components provide aggregated, anonymized data that offers group leaders important information about their educators and helps inform next steps for adult learning within the platform.

  • The Ranking Tool in the “Building Your Core Competencies” course within the Better You program provides a greater understanding of educators’ interests.

  • A Pre/Post Assessment within Better Together’s “Six Conversations to Build Relational Trust” course measures culture, climate, and relational trust.