As you know, I spend a lot of my time thinking and talking about how to assess students social and emotional learning skills. Among the many reasons for this singular focus, one rises to the top: it matters.

I do this work because I believe that technically sound student SEL assessment data, shared understandably and reviewed thoroughly, can give teachers insights about their students they can use to do their work as effectively as possible.

Don’t take my word for it though.

→ Download Glencoe District 35 Case Study


Social-Emotional Assessment Tools in Action

I’m pleased to share a case study of one of our longest educational partnerships. District 35 in Glencoe, Illinois uses SELweb EE and the Networker to understand their students.

The case study gives you an example of how a skilled district leader and her team use SEL assessment data strategically and wisely to understand their students and to inform their practice.

It describes the kinds of conversations educators in District 35 engage in over data, the process they use to turn numbers into meaning and meaning into action.

Download SEL Measurement in Action at Glencoe District 35


Five Steps for SEL Data Review

The case study describes the data review steps our colleagues in District 35 use to review their SEL assessment data. During data review sessions at each school, staff engages with each other and their assessment data. They seek to understand the assessment scores, reflect on and interpret the data, come to a shared understanding of students’ strengths and needs, identify actions
to build on students’ strengths and address students’ needs, and commit to an action plan.

Why Social-Emotional Assessment is Important

The whole reason I’m in this business is to put useful information into the hands of educators so they can understand and support their students.

It’s good to talk about what that means. It’s better to see how educators have skillfully used the information from our assessments to inform how they support their students.

Take a look. Let me know after you read it if you believe student SEL assessment data matters.

→ Download Glencoe District 35 Case Study