Yearly Archives: 2016

10 Inspiring Books for Students

2023-01-11T15:49:56-05:00July 5, 2016|

As educators, it's important that we use the resources around us to give our students the best possible information, perspectives, and opportunities in life. Here is a list of 10 classic, must-read inspiring books for students.

Smart Goal Setting for Students

2022-10-18T04:20:47-04:00June 7, 2016|

Teaching our students to set goals effectively can be life-changing. However, as we teach goal-setting to them, we need to make sure we’re showing them how to use goals to have the greatest possible positive impact on their lives.

37 Affirmations for Students

2022-10-18T04:22:07-04:00May 31, 2016|

One of the easiest and most impactful things we can teach our students to positively reprogram their self-talk is the proper use of affirmations. We can also provide them with tried and true affirmations for teens that have helped millions of their peers.

Improving School Climate

2023-01-11T15:52:19-05:00April 29, 2016|

Because of modern advances in brain imaging technology, over 90% of what we know about the human brain today was […]

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