Teach Students to Dream Big
and Build Stronger Connections

An easy-to-use PreK-12 Digital SEL Curriculum

Built Around 7 Mindsets and 28 Learning Objectives

The curriculum provides students and educators with an engaging, accessible common language
to support lasting, tangible change.

From PreK through Grade 12, students advance along a continuum that deepens engagement with and understanding of the mindsets and SEL competencies.
Mindsets are the beliefs and attitudes that dictate our emotions and influence our decisions and actions; they help us connect with others and develop positive self-awareness, self-efficacy, and perseverance.

The 7 Mindsets curriculum addresses core concepts that support cultural competence, acceptance, belonging, and understanding differences and the commonalities that connect us as humans.

A Digital Curriculum Designed to be Teacher-led

Requiring only 10 minutes of prep time, educators deliver 30 easy-to-use lessons by grade per academic year.

  • Includes classroom integration ideas, activity files, and lesson plans
  • Thousands of additional streaming videos and activities, in a searchable database
  • Family workshops, resources, and more

Our curriculum is centered on Blooms Taxonomy and aligned to CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies.

Check out the first lesson from mindset one: Everything is Possible!

PreK Digital Curriculum | Grades K-5 Digital Curriculum

PreK Digital Curriculum | Grades K-5 Digital Curriculum

The Prekindergarten course is developmentally appropriate and incorporates interaction and participation as students are introduced to the 7 Mindsets.

The kindergarten-2 and 3-5 grade bands offer dynamic courses that use the 7 Mindsets to inspire and empower elementary students. The 28 learning objectives incorporate student interaction and engagement.

Essential skills focus on developing a mindset, problem solving and belief-in-self in addition to:

Visualizing Goals

Managing Fear and Taking Safe Risks

Resilience and Self-management

Social Awareness

Gratitude and Kindness

Download a course overview to learn more about alignment with Blooms Taxonomy and SEL competencies:

PreK Course Overview

Grade K-2 Course Overview

PreK | Grades K-5 Digital Curriculum

Grades 6-8 Digital Curriculum

Grades 9-12 Digital Curriculum

Requiring only 10 minutes of prep time, educators deliver 30 easy-to-use lessons by grade per academic year.

  • Includes classroom integration ideas, activity files, and lesson plans
  • Thousands of additional streaming videos and activities, in a searchable database
  • Family workshops, resources, and more

Our curriculum is centered on Blooms Taxonomy and aligned to CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies.

With the 7 Mindsets solution, you can also ensure efficacy and monitor progress. Check out the Data Genius assessment tool and the Leader Dashboard for progress monitoring.

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