Mindset Moments

Learn more about the 7 Mindsets

Mindset Moments

Exploring the benefits of 7 Mindsets

Mindset Moments Video Series

We believe that self-care and enrichment is critical for educators’ ongoing success and happiness. Our Mindset Moments video series helps educators gain a better understanding of the 7 Mindsets and how these mindsets can positively impact their lives. Each 10-minute video includes a brief introduction to the mindset/learning objective, a video, and a short mindset activity.

Everything is Possible

In this Mindset Moment, we focus on Everything is Possible: Think Positive. People with a brighter outlook on life are not only happier, but they also accomplish more. Start believing there is more for you in life, expect good things from other people, and find the positive in all situations. These simple acts will make you happier in the moment and make your future much brighter.

Mindset Activity: Reflect on the following questions and talk about them with your peers: What is the advice that you give yourself in times of struggle? Who do you turn to on your dream team?

Passion First

For this Mindset Moment, we focus on Passion First: Focus on Your Strengths. Everyone has things he or she does well. When you do the things that you are good at, you perform better and get better results. And better results mean greater benefits, both to yourself and to those around you. It is critical to play to your strengths in life and to spend time doing the things you are best at to create the most value for yourself.

Mindset Activity: Reflect on this statement: I feel my strongest when_________________.  After you watch the video, think of a brick wall that you have faced in your life. What are 2-3 of the unique strengths that you have that helped you kick through that brick wall? Talk about it with your peers.

We Are Connected

In this Mindset Moment, we focus on We are Connected: Build Your Dream Team. This team of people are the ones who will help you live your dreams. Perhaps they have experience you can draw from, access to resources you will need, or can provide you with valuable support as you start living your dreams.

Mindset Activity: Bucket List Connection: Brainstorm your bucket list items and then identify your dream team members who can help you accomplish them.

100% Accountable

This Mindset Moment focuses on 100% Accountable: Grow Through Life. Life is a process of continual growth. Recognize this and seek to learn from all experiences, good and bad. When you do so, you will consistently get better. You must also proactively develop your strengths and build new skills. Once you do this, you will have truly become 100% accountable and capable of creating the life of your dreams.

Mindset Activity: What is something that you are curious about or interested in? What is the next step that you need to take and/or what can you explore as you work toward learning more about this interest?

Attitude of Gratitude

In this Mindset Moment, we focus on Attitude of Gratitude: Treasure Yourself. Create the fantastic life you want by cultivating the wonderful things within yourself. We all have things we do not like about ourselves, but we must recognize that we are made of many wonderful things. Recognize the treasure that is you, cherish and develop it, and let it shine so that you can live the extraordinary life you are meant to.

Mindset Activity: Write down three positive self-talk statements. These should be unique to your goals and dreams. Each day, for the next 21 days, repeat these statements aloud to yourself.

Live to Give

This Mindset Moment focuses on Live to Give: Receive Gracefully. One of the hardest things for people to manage when they start living their dreams is that they are uncomfortable receiving the new and wonderful things that come into their lives. They may not feel worthy, or it may just be uncomfortable for them. So, when opportunity knocks or people want to help, they shut the door and do not let the good things in. These gifts will give you new energy and power to do more and help more in your own life.

Mindset Activity: Knee to Knee Activity: Pick a partner. Sit knee to knee. Tell your partner three things you appreciate about him or her. Receive gracefully by just saying, thank you. Switch and do the same for your partner, and they can practice receiving gracefully.

The Time is Now

In this Mindset Moment, we focus on The Time is Now: Let Yourself Be Vulnerable. Whether you are attacking a fear, taking a risk, or expressing a deep feeling, your senses come alive and you really are at your best. Many people do not allow themselves to be vulnerable, believing it is a sign of weakness. In fact, allowing yourself to be vulnerable is one of the strongest human traits. Some of the greatest moments in life happen when you are at your most vulnerable: applying for a job, proposing to your life partner, or confronting a family member after an offense. To become great, you must put yourself in positions of vulnerability.

Mindset Activity: Reflect on the two versions of yourself. What do you allow others to see? What do you not allow others to see? After this reflection, identify 2-3 ways you can allow yourself to be vulnerable in the coming weeks.