Community PD

Virtual Professional Learning Workshops

Community Events

Virtual Professional Learning Workshops

Community PD Events

Thriving Thursdays
Tune into our Transformative Training Sessions
February 1 to April 25 – 3:30pm ET to 4:30pm ET
Don’t Miss the ‘Hour of Power!’

Pre-K-12 Kickoff

What’s What – Experiencing a 7 Mindsets Lesson

During this experiential workshop, educators step into the shoes of students to gain firsthand insight into the impactful lessons that foster a positive mindset, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Participants actively engage in activities, discussions, and reflective exercises, experiencing the curriculum’s powerful approach to character development. Through this immersive journey, teachers not only deepen their understanding of the 7 Mindsets philosophy but also refine their ability to create an inclusive and empowering classroom environment that nurtures the holistic development of each student. Through this hands-on approach, educators gain a deeper understanding of the material and its impact on student learning, fostering a more empathetic and effective teaching approach.

Audience: Educators (PreK-12), Education Leaders
Schedule: Select Thursdays from 3:30-4:30

Pre-K-12 Kickoff

So What – Unpacking the 7 Mindsets

This dynamic workshop is designed to provide participants with a firsthand encounter of the power of the 7 Mindsets for living their ultimate life. Participants will delve into the seven essential attitudes that contribute to a successful and fulfilling life, gaining practical insights into fostering resilience, empathy, and a sense of purpose. Through interactive activities, real-life examples, and engaging discussions, attendees will not only understand the core principles of the 7 Mindsets but also learn how to integrate them into their daily lives. Whether approaching it from the perspective of an educator or simply individual seeking personal growth, this training promises to be a catalyst for positive change and a roadmap to unlocking the potential for a thriving and empowered mindset.

Audience: Educators (PreK-12), Education Leaders
Schedule: Select Thursdays from 3:30-4:30

Funding Information
7 Mindsets Laptop

Now What – Navigating the 7 Mindsets Platform

The “Now What – Navigating the 7 Mindsets Platform” training is a comprehensive workshop designed to empower educators with the tools and expertise needed to effectively utilize the innovative 7 Mindsets curriculum. Geared towards optimizing the classroom experience, this training provides a deep dive into navigating the 7 Mindsets platform, guiding teachers through its features and functionalities. Participants will learn how to seamlessly integrate the platform into their instructional practices, leveraging its resources to enhance student engagement and promote a positive learning environment. Through hands-on exploration, collaborative activities, and practical demonstrations, educators will gain the confidence and proficiency required to navigate the 7 Mindsets platform, ensuring a seamless and impactful implementation in their teaching journey.

Audience: Educators (PreK-12), Education Leaders
Schedule: Select Thursdays from 3:30-4:30

7 Mindsets Laptop

Community Coaching Sessions

February 1 to April 25 – 3:30pm ET to 4:30pm ET
Don’t Miss the ‘Hour of Power!’

Community Coaching Sessions

Don’t Miss this ‘Call to Collaborate!’ A strong partnership is the result of ongoing collaboration between school and district leadership teams and 7 Mindsets Education Service Team. During these collaborative meetings, the 7 Mindsets Teaching & Learning Consultant, facilitates thoughtful conversation with school and district leaders to provide implementation guidance, share strategies and best practices for maximizing the potential for success around the Mindset of the month and provide support for any specific questions you may have.

Audience: District and Building Leaders
Schedule: January 23 – March 29, 2024, based on coach availability

Community Coaching Sessions