
Fruitvale Independent School District (ISD), a small yet passionate district, embarked on a transformative journey by integrating the 7 Mindsets suite of solutions across all its campuses in the 2023-24 school year. Under the leadership of Cristie Guy, Stronger Connections Grant Project Manager & Middle School Counselor, the district embraced the mindset-based learning approach, blending it with their mission to support the emotional and social growth of students and teachers alike.

School Snapshot






Economically disadvantaged

Fruitvale Independent School District is an independent school district based in Fruitvale, Texas, with three campuses. These include Fruitvale High School (Grades 9-12), Fruitvale Junior High School (Grades 6-8), and Hallie Randall Elementary (Grades PK-5).

Peoria Public Schools

Building Connections: A Culture of Belonging

From the start of the district’s implementation, the 7 Mindsets program fostered stronger connections among students and staff. Teachers noticed significant improvements in their relationships with students, as illustrated by one high school math teacher who shared that her students became more open and engaged after discussing an emotional video during a lesson. The teacher remarked that sharing 7 Mindsets helped her build connections with her students, turning her classroom into a space of mutual understanding and trust.

At the elementary level, teachers observed a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. One counselor highlighted how weekly lessons brought staff and students closer than ever. A first-grade teacher shared a heartwarming story of a young boy who had been crying daily, but through the program’s emphasis on positive thinking, he found reasons to smile again.


Inspiring Students to Dream Big

The dream boards created by middle school students were a visual testament to the program’s impact. Students explored their passions and envisioned their futures, displaying aspirations that ranged from local ambitions to global dreams. As Cristie described, “It’s getting those wheels in motion,” inspiring students to embrace the idea that everything is possible.

Addressing Real-World Challenges

Fruitvale ISD leveraged 7 Mindsets’ Base program to address pressing issues like vaping and unhealthy relationships. By integrating specific Base modules as alternatives to traditional disciplinary actions, the district shifted from punitive measures to rehabilitative education. This innovative approach empowered students to reflect on their behavior and develop healthier habits.

Parent Engagement and Community Support

Recognizing the importance of family involvement, Fruitvale ISD created a dedicated Facebook page for parents. This platform became a hub for sharing insights on students’ mental health, promoting positive mindsets, and fostering open conversations about sensitive topics like suicide prevention. This effort underscored the district’s commitment to holistic education that extends beyond academics.

A Promising Future

As Cristie reflected on the program’s first year, she expressed gratitude for the guidance and support from the 7 Mindsets team, and particularly their coach, Ashley Wolson-Jones. The district’s integration of 7 Mindsets’ Insights and Base tools added depth to their efforts, allowing for data-driven decision-making and tailored support for students.

Fruitvale ISD’s journey with 7 Mindsets is a powerful example of how a small district can achieve big changes. By prioritizing emotional health, community engagement, and student empowerment, Fruitvale has set a new standard for educational excellence, proving that with the right mindset, anything is possible.

It’s getting those wheels in motion, inspiring students to embrace the idea that everything is possible.

Christie Guy
Middle School Counselor
Fruitvale, ISD

Want to Learn More?

Request a demo or more information. Submit the form or give us a call at 678-878-3144. Our knowledgeable 7 Mindsets experts are ready to help!

Want to Learn More?

Request a demo or more information. Submit the form or give us a call at 678-878-3144. Our knowledgeable 7 Mindsets experts are ready to help!