“We were learning about what teachers can say and share in the classroom to encourage student growth… If a student says ‘I can’t’, then maybe we can say ‘not yet'”.
Principal Paige Collier shares how the teaching community at Tobias Elementary embraced the Growth Mindset as a foundational approach for social emotional learning. From brain-based teaching strategies, Tobias implemented The 7 Mindsets for its common language and curriculum.
The 7 Mindsets are deeply integrated with the Growth Mindset both directly and broadly. They allow us to very specifically teach the concept of “growth” vs. “fixed”, as well as, provide a roadmap to best equip students with thinking that will allow them to fulfill their incredible potential.
One of the core learning objectives of the 4th Mindsets, 100% Accountable is the practice of “Growing through Life”. In these lessons, we work directly with students to view their lives as a process of constant growth, to learn to value internal growth over extrinsic rewards, and to intentionally develop themselves in the direction of their authentic goals and dreams.
Broadly speaking, our 3-year research effort concluded that the 7 Mindsets are the thought structures that most influence a young persons’ ability to create for themselves a more meaningful and joy filled life. For this reason, the 7 Mindsets give us a blueprint on the mindsets that we most want to grow and develop in our students; mindsets such as having high expectations, positive self-awareness, personal responsibility and optimism just to name a few.