Evidence-based Programs Proven to Positively Impact Well-being and Mental Health

Research and Results to Support 7 Mindsets Programs

Evidence-based Programs Proven to Positively Impact Well-being and Mental Health

Research and Results to Support 7 Mindsets Programs

Research and Results

Research and Results

7 Mindsets: What Allows an Individual to Attain Success in Life?

The 7 Mindsets are based on a three-year meta-analysis study that asked the question: What allows an individual to attain happiness in life? From the research, 28 specific patterns emerged of characteristics that most predicated happiness. Following the study, the team understood the need to create a common lexicon that was engaging and accessible to young people across all grade levels. The 7 Mindsets and corresponding 28 Learning Objectives became the common language around which its curriculum was developed.

The results: Evidence of 7 Mindsets’ impact on students and schools is gathered from both independent and peer-reviewed studies, showing:

  • Decrease in teacher referrals, detentions, and in-school suspensions
  • Improvement in attendance
  • Positive impact on prosocial qualities such as resilience and grit

Base: Tackling Loneliness, Engagement, and Resilience

From the development of its earliest content, the Base team has used evidence-based practices derived from clinical foundations including Cognitive Behavioral Frameworks, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical-Behavioral Theories, Strengths-Based Approaches, Brief Solution-Focused Theories, Mindfulness, and Person-Centered Approaches. Students are taught psycho-social concepts through a supportive and therapeutic dialogue.

Base Logo

The results: Students who used Base felt less lonely, more engaged in school, and demonstrated more resilience. On a larger scale, our school partners have seen:

  • Improved academics
  • Decreased truancy and negative behaviors
  • Improved student engagement

How Insights Established Evidence Base for Measurement Tools

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The founders of Insights know, and research confirms, that whole child learning matters to student success in school and life. Schools want to use measurement tools to understand their students, to improve teaching and learning, and to move the needle on student academic, emotional, and social learning. Schools need to be able to trust the data.

Insights submits all measurement tools to the test to develop a strong evidence base. All assessments are based on extensive work demonstrating that life skills can be assessed, and that the assessments we bring to market have strong technical properties. The Insights team continues to study the technical properties of our assessments and publish our work in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Key studies are described below.