building relationships

6 Keys to Developing Patience

2015-06-25T08:00:00-04:00June 25, 2015|

All our power exists in the moment; it is the only place we can take action, and the only place we can experience true progress and joy. Impatience is a very poor use of our time, as it is a devious form of self-induced suffering and a sublime saboteur of happiness.

4 Questions to Ask Students to Draw Them Out

2023-01-11T15:49:59-05:00June 2, 2015|

As we enter into sensitive and important conversations with our students, we must remember the immense value of showing vulnerability ourselves. As they say, ‘be the guide by their side, not the sage on the stage.’ There are four critical questions to ask students that will draw them out, under-discussed topics which we can offer vital guidance in.

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