
Understanding Mindsets Based SEL

2022-10-19T04:06:43-04:00March 1, 2022|

Mindsets-Based SEL focuses on our default perspectives and attitudes towards the situations and circumstances in our lives. It is the lenses that largely drives our feelings, actions, and decisions. This understanding has created a movement towards Mindsets-Based instructional strategy. There are key attributes that define an effective Mindsets-Based Social and Emotional solution.

5 Ways to Stay Connected During Challenging Times Caused by COVID-19

2022-10-17T14:17:59-04:00March 24, 2020|

Educators around the country are finding ways to stay connected, to create support structures, and to help one another navigate this difficult and challenging time. Remember, we have each other; and we are stronger together. This blog highlights some best practices many teams around the country are implementing.

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