Culturally Responsive Teaching

3 Strategies to Increase Resiliency in English Learners

2022-10-18T21:11:54-04:00June 14, 2022|

In the classroom, English learners (ELs) often have unique needs and strengths. In addition to language challenges, ELs have additional difficulties: living in a new country, trying to fit into a new school, making new friends. They may also have significant family responsibilities or experience with trauma. SEL can help EL students overcome challenges. A growing body of research suggests that the use of SEL in classrooms has positive impacts on all students, teachers, and society at large.

McKinney High School Uses 7 Mindsets Curriculum to Promote Equity and SEL

2022-10-14T13:22:31-04:00January 3, 2022|

Coming into the 2020-21 school year, the teachers and staff at McKinney High School knew that they’d be facing a litany of existing and emerging roadblocks. With the pandemic still in full effect and remote learning seen as the safest educational delivery method, Justin James, Assistant Principal, said the school set its sights on aligning teachers and students with campus relationships, culture, and communication.

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