4 Questions to Ask Students to Draw Them Out

2023-01-11T15:49:59-05:00June 2, 2015|

As we enter into sensitive and important conversations with our students, we must remember the immense value of showing vulnerability ourselves. As they say, ‘be the guide by their side, not the sage on the stage.’ There are four critical questions to ask students that will draw them out, under-discussed topics which we can offer vital guidance in.

Accountability Quotes from the Masters

2015-03-31T07:33:50-04:00March 31, 2015|

Accountability is the complete acceptance in thoughts and action that one is fully in control of their own happiness and success in life. It states that none of us is a product of the past, and that our futures are not predetermined because our lives are what we want them to be from this moment onward. Here are 20 accountability quotes that both energize and inspire our work.

Positive Words Lead to Positive Behavior

2023-01-11T15:49:59-05:00March 13, 2015|

Moments can be enormous in the lives of our children and students, and the words we use have a significant impact on those moments. Words bring attention to things, and where attention goes, energy flows.

Dealing With Middle School Bullying

2022-10-19T02:49:58-04:00March 6, 2015|

Another issue with anti-bullying rhetoric is that it focuses on reactions to the problem, instead of addressing the underlying behaviors that cause it. Common advice includes walking away from bullies, ignoring their insults, not responding with anger or physical force, and of course, telling an adult. While some of these strategies may work in the moment, there’s a more effective approach to dealing with middle school bullying.

3 Problems of a Fixed Mindset

2022-11-11T19:23:36-05:00March 2, 2015|

Understanding the differences between them are key to each of us getting where we want to be in life. The exact opposite of a fixed mindset is a growth mindset, in which the growth we experience throughout our lives is what we value the most.

5 Ways to Have a Success Mindset

2015-02-12T04:15:22-05:00February 12, 2015|

How do you combat the constant force of fatigue and negative emotion? Here are 5 simple strategies for maintaining a positive outlook in your life to drive positive and purposeful action and greater levels of happiness and accomplishment.

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