Social Emotional Learning

Three Ways to Promote Teacher Retention

2022-10-17T14:28:25-04:00September 4, 2019|

Brookwood Elementary has a high teacher turnover rate, but not for the reasons you might expect. Last year I had two teachers leave for administrative positions. Two others went to middle schools because they wanted to empower kids at that age level. We’ve also had teachers leave to...

Using the 7 Mindsets to Shift School Culture

2022-10-17T22:35:21-04:00April 1, 2019|

Instead of focusing their monthly faculty meetings on logistical items that could really be sent in an email, Tracey emphasized the impact of the mindsets on shifting school culture. These meetings put team-building front and center and introduced their “Mindset of the Month.”

Positive Referrals For Students

2022-10-18T03:13:49-04:00October 5, 2017|

Being sent to the principal’s office has historically been associated with stressful, negative feelings for students. But today, a growing number of schools are implementing a new best practice called "Positive Office Referrals."

10 Inspiring Books for Students

2023-01-11T15:49:56-05:00July 5, 2016|

As educators, it's important that we use the resources around us to give our students the best possible information, perspectives, and opportunities in life. Here is a list of 10 classic, must-read inspiring books for students.

30 Quotes About Gratitude

2015-06-30T08:25:34-04:00June 30, 2015|

Having an Attitude of Gratitude was shown to mean more than thinking about all the good things in your life. As a matter of fact, everyone we interviewed would invariably point to a period of adversity or struggle in their lives as the time when they gained the knowledge, developed the relationship or built the skill or trait that ultimately allowed them to become happy and successful.

Mindset Training for Teachers and Students

2022-10-19T02:48:10-04:00June 8, 2015|

Here's a proven mindset training process for teachers and students. The goal is to change their mindsets, which means changing how they view themselves, their environment and the world.

4 Questions to Ask Students to Draw Them Out

2023-01-11T15:49:59-05:00June 2, 2015|

As we enter into sensitive and important conversations with our students, we must remember the immense value of showing vulnerability ourselves. As they say, ‘be the guide by their side, not the sage on the stage.’ There are four critical questions to ask students that will draw them out, under-discussed topics which we can offer vital guidance in.

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