teacher wellbeing

5 Highly-Rated Self-Care Books for Educators

2023-01-04T16:53:18-05:00December 13, 2021|

With so many educators feeling overwhelmed and overworked, it’s important to find resources that can support self-care and cultivate wellbeing––both in school and at home. There are many great self-care books available to help guide educators to be courageous, take time for yourself, find happiness, and be more mindful. Because there are so many self-care books available for educators, we’ve created this list of some of the top-rated self-care books that teachers can benefit from reading.

Supporting Teacher Wellbeing: 5 Reasons to Invest in Teachers’ Social Emotional Wellness

2023-01-04T16:53:18-05:00October 14, 2021|

COVID-19 has been challenging for educators, students, and schools not only in terms of academics, but also in terms of managing emotional wellbeing and positive mental health. Teachers in particular have had to juggle significantly increased stresses both professionally and personally––ensuring their students receive the academic and emotional support they need, while simultaneously managing their own families’ needs.

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