School Transformation

5 Ways Administrators Can Support SEL for Teachers

2023-01-04T16:53:17-05:00January 23, 2022|

The past two years have put more pressure on teachers than ever before, and educators have experienced so much––both personally and professionally. Teachers have been asked to take on expanded responsibilities during remote and hybrid learning, including creating curriculum, managing multiple classes, and supporting their students emotionally and academically. All these factors combined have had a negative impact on teacher wellbeing.

5 Ways Administrators Can Support Teacher Well-Being

2023-01-04T16:53:17-05:00December 15, 2021|

With teachers being asked to take on more responsibilities than they’ve ever handled before -- especially during remote and hybrid learning -- adult social and emotional learning and self-care have never been so important. As school principals and assistant principals, we believe administrators need to celebrate teachers’ successes, catch them when they fall and usher them through this time of great uncertainty.

5 Highly-Rated Self-Care Books for Educators

2023-01-04T16:53:18-05:00December 13, 2021|

With so many educators feeling overwhelmed and overworked, it’s important to find resources that can support self-care and cultivate wellbeing––both in school and at home. There are many great self-care books available to help guide educators to be courageous, take time for yourself, find happiness, and be more mindful. Because there are so many self-care books available for educators, we’ve created this list of some of the top-rated self-care books that teachers can benefit from reading.

Supporting Teacher Wellbeing: 5 Reasons to Invest in Teachers’ Social Emotional Wellness

2023-01-04T16:53:18-05:00October 14, 2021|

COVID-19 has been challenging for educators, students, and schools not only in terms of academics, but also in terms of managing emotional wellbeing and positive mental health. Teachers in particular have had to juggle significantly increased stresses both professionally and personally––ensuring their students receive the academic and emotional support they need, while simultaneously managing their own families’ needs.

5 Unexpected Benefits of Implementing an SEL Curriculum

2023-01-04T16:53:19-05:00June 3, 2021|

If the global pandemic and school shutdowns taught us anything, it’s that we may have been taking teacher-student and student-student connections for granted pre-COVID. After all, with most or all students experiencing in-classroom learning, bonds, connections, and relationships are just bound to happen naturally. Even with students “connecting” virtually during the pandemic, it quickly became clear that we needed to do more to cultivate connections both in the remote setting and–once it was safe–in the classroom. With social emotional learning (SEL) becoming an increasingly important focal point for many districts, it made sense for us to build up this aspect of our educational offering.

4 Ways to Use SEL in any Learning Environment

2023-01-04T16:53:20-05:00May 18, 2021|

All teachers know that educational success comes from strong connections between themselves and their students. Thanks to an increased focus on social emotional learning, educators also realize that creating a safe, nurturing environment also means helping students recognize and manage their emotions; care for others; and, form positive relationships and make responsible decisions.

How New Caney Independent School District (ISD) is Prioritizing Students’ Mental Health and Well-being

2024-09-04T15:03:17-04:00April 19, 2021|

The Covid-19 pandemic may be on everyone’s minds right now, but school districts grappled with another pandemic before the virus changed our world. School violence incidents such as the Parkland School shooting were increasing, and students’ physical and mental well-being were at critical levels. New Caney Independent School District, northeast of Houston, Texas, understood that social emotional learning (SEL) and the missed opportunities to identify students with deficits played out in school–specifically in school violence.

How Social Emotional Learning Can Help Prevent COVID Burnout

2023-01-04T16:53:22-05:00February 2, 2021|

Even with the pandemic continuing to impact our mental health, a social emotional learning platform can help the entire school population adopt a healthier, more positive mindset. Let’s face it, we’re all a little burned out on remote learning, hybrid classroom environments, Zoom, and other pandemic-related issues right now. As teachers, students, and parents, we’re all in the same boat as we work to balance the realities of our current situation with the need to keep students engaged, learning, and moving forward.

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