School Transformation

Adult SEL: 5 Components to Build Healthy Relationships Amongst Educational Teams

2022-10-17T14:12:40-04:00July 28, 2020|

How do we empower every teacher to be the most authentic and powerful version of themselves? We must create an environment where every educator can thrive. It is the path to sustained cultural transformation, and it starts with the adult relationships in your building. It is through these relationships where educators find courage, become engaged, confident, and comfortable. Most importantly, it is where they can inspire every student to fulfill their potential.

5 Ways to Stay Connected During Challenging Times Caused by COVID-19

2022-10-17T14:17:59-04:00March 24, 2020|

Educators around the country are finding ways to stay connected, to create support structures, and to help one another navigate this difficult and challenging time. Remember, we have each other; and we are stronger together. This blog highlights some best practices many teams around the country are implementing.

Here’s Why this Principal Started a School Turnaround with SEL

2022-10-19T04:12:29-04:00February 12, 2020|

I worked in juvenile probation for eight years before becoming a teacher, so I’ve seen the potentially devastating effect of the emotional issues that kids deal with. Before I took over as principal at Bluebonnet Elementary, I was an assistant principal at the middle school, where many of our discipline issues stemmed from students not being able to problem-solve or maintain healthy relationships.

Using the 7 Mindsets to Shift School Culture

2022-10-17T22:35:21-04:00April 1, 2019|

Instead of focusing their monthly faculty meetings on logistical items that could really be sent in an email, Tracey emphasized the impact of the mindsets on shifting school culture. These meetings put team-building front and center and introduced their “Mindset of the Month.”

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