Where does SEL meet Edtech?

The 7 Mindsets Classroom Portal is the most complete SEL curriculum ever developed for K-12 learning environments. At this summer’s ISTE conference, we shared the new Resource Hub with Tech & Learning Magazine’s Managing Editor, Christine Weiser. Tech & Learning was so impressed, they put us at the top of their list for the Back to School issue!

SEL edtech

techlearning social emotional learning

Offering age-appropriate online curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school, the 7 Mindsets Classroom Portal provides lessons, training, and a quick-search resource portal for social and emotional learning (SEL). This includes hundreds of mindsets-based lessons designed to be taught weekly (typically for 30 to 60 minutes) in a normal classroom setting. In addition to complete lessons, the portal also offers a quick-search SEL resource hub with thousands of videos and…

Check it out at: http://www.techlearning.com/resources/0003/whats-new-new-tools-for-schools/70736


Versatile, Relevant & Easy-To-Use

7 Mindsets offers 3 years of age-appropriate (K-2, 3-5, MS & HS) curriculum for any school or after-school learning environment. Each course contains 30 lessons that focus on the underlying, non-cognitive skills young people need to live fulfilling, successful lives.

Themes include:

  • overcoming limiting beliefs
  • raising expectations
  • developing meaningful relationships
  • embracing accountability
  • practicing gratitude
  • managing setbacks
  • learning from mistakes.

Each school creates its own unique formula for using our digital tools. Some teachers use our quick-search modular resources throughout the day, while others engage students in whole lessons.

Resource Hub!

The 7 Mindsets Resource Hub enables teachers to easily search thousands of learning objects, videos, activities and other instructional resources for teaching social emotional learning lessons and concepts. Once the right content has been found, users can build their own lessons and share them with their colleagues. The Resource Hub also allows educators to upload their own content and compile it into blended lesson plans.

Whether looking for a quick video to illustrate a concept, or adapting an existing lesson with more culturally relevant material, the content organized in our Resource Hub provides a foundation for critical discussion, relationship-building, and classroom community development.

Learn more about additional implementation resources and our Leadership Zone here.

Check it out at: http://www.techlearning.com/resources/0003/whats-new-new-tools-for-schools/70736

Also: SEL Resources: Check Out The World’s Most Comprehensive Hub For Social Emotional Learning