Professional Learning and Coaching

Broadmoor 3-5 Elementary School (KS): Transforming the School Community Through the 7 Mindsets

2025-01-31T10:14:31-05:00January 31, 2025|

Since its implementation four years ago, the 7 Mindsets program has had a transformative impact on Broadmoor K-5 Elementary’s school community, fostering a culture of connection, empowerment, and resilience. The program has provided a structured approach to promoting positive mindsets among students, staff, and even the broader community and cultivated a thriving learning environment, reducing behavioral issues, strengthening relationships, and equipping students and staff with the tools to navigate challenges with optimism and purpose.

Seven Habits That Help Students Begin Their Year Well

2024-08-19T16:37:39-04:00August 19, 2024|

Young people can become victims of their emotions or the whims and opinions of others. They are at the mercy of outside forces … unless they choose otherwise. The good news is that we can equip our students to lay the groundwork for a great school year. Here are seven habits that can help students start the school year with a optimistic attitude and positive mindset.

Our Most Popular Content of the 2023-24 School Year

2024-06-27T13:30:37-04:00June 27, 2024|

7 Mindsets has released its most popular content from the 2023-2024 school year, featuring insightful eBooks and resources on important and timely topics, including educator well-being, student mental health, positive school culture, and more!

Thankful Thursday! An Attitude of Gratitude to All Educators and Staff

2024-08-12T15:40:58-04:00March 7, 2024|

As a #ThankfulThursday shout-out, we would like to take a moment to celebrate all teachers, social workers, counselors, paraprofessionals, psychologists, and all staff and administrators who believe that #EverythingisPossible and who inspire their students to live lives of passion, purpose, and joy. With an #AttitudeOfGratitude, the 7 Mindsets team has curated a collection of positive growth mindset, well-being, and mental health-focused content for students and educators.

At Colorado PreK-8 School, 7 Mindsets Has Created a Culture of Learning and Growth that Connects the School Community

2023-12-19T04:11:04-05:00December 19, 2023|

At Aspen Ridge Preparatory School, “the 7 Mindsets program has created a culture of learning, growing, and understanding that connects the entire school community,” says Principal Rachel Miller. “This program continues to be an integral part of the Aspen Ridge community and provides opportunities for students and staff to be resilient, motivated individuals.”

Resilient Leadership in Education: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Self-Care

2024-08-12T15:39:03-04:00September 21, 2023|

Leadership roles are often accompanied by immense responsibilities, high expectations, and relentless pressure. In this context, self-care transcends its conventional perception as mere pampering, evolving into a strategic approach for nurturing emotional resilience, cognitive clarity, and sustainable success. By prioritizing one's self-care, leaders can not only bolster their personal well-being but also optimize and enhance their ability to guide and inspire their teams.

How School Leadership Can Cultivate a Culture of Learning and Joy

2023-09-25T16:14:43-04:00August 16, 2023|

Many teachers across the country are struggling with feeling overwhelmed and wanting to leave the profession. To keep and encourage the best teachers to stay for the long haul, administrators need to demonstrate their commitment and leadership. To build resilient leadership in schools during challenging times, education leaders need to cultivate positive school cultures that encourage learning and joy. The most effective school cultures make children and adults feel seen, heard, valued, and respected.

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